7 Reasons Why Your Hands Might Be Shaky After Boxing
If your hands are shaky after doing some sort of training in boxing, such as hitting the heavy bag, most of the time it’s really nothing to worry about, although changes should be done.
But sometimes it can be a sign of a serious underlying disease. Down below in the article i discuss 7 reasons why your hands might be shaking after boxing.
Going too hard

One of the most common reasons for getting shaky hands after boxing is training overly intense. It usually appears after hitting the heavy bag, as doing so disperses a lot of force through your hands, and if you do so just too hard, it can cause tremors.
This problem is often times seen happening in beginners, as they don’t understand the principles of how to hit the heavy bag correctly. You don’t have to always throw hard punches at it, mix them up – some light jabs, harder jabs, a hook, and a powerful cross here and there.
Focusing on footwork, slipping and doing everything correctly when hitting the bag should definitely prevent the hands from shaking in the future.
Getting back to it after a while (or being a newbie)
Hands could also start to shake after you get back to the sport in a long time – the symptoms might appear after hitting the heavy bag, double end bag, speed bag, mitts or even sparring, and that’s because you haven’t done it in a while, and your body has yet to get used to intense exercise.
It also occurs to newcomers, and it makes sense why – they probably never in their life thrown so many punches in one session, and once again, their body is not yet used to new exercise routine.
If that’s the reason for the problem, it should get better after you do it consistently for a longer time.
The hand wraps
Wrapping your hands too tight or incorrectly can definitely cause your hands to shake after you take them off as that can reduce circulation.
Improper technique
The mistake fighters, new and sometimes more skilled do which frequently leads to this issue is tightening your fist sooner than needed, or all the time which sure can fatigue your hands more than needed and cause excessive shaking – remember, your hands are almost relaxed at all times, but just before you hit the target, you clench them up.
You could also be just generally punching incorrectly, and if that’s the case, ask your coach to help you in correcting it, and if you’re training at home without any prior boxing experience, make sure to watch some videos online on how to do it.
Energy levels
The issue could also persist because of improper nutrition. Eating too little and restricting your calorie intake can sure make your hands shake more than normal after a vigorous boxing session, but so is eating an unbalanced diet.
Make sure to eat a balanced diet – proteins, carbohydrates and fats are all important to fuel your energy needs for the day, especially for a fighter. Getting all the important vitamins are also crucial, so don’t skip on any vegetables and fruit.
Serious signs
If you feel like you implemented all of the suggested tips above and your hands are still shaky days after, you should see a doctor.
We all know that boxing can do significant amount of damage to the brain, and diseases like Parkinson’s are known to appear because of it, so signs like these shouldn’t always be taken easy, although they don’t happen as frequently to young boxers.
There could also be nothing that serious, as injuries to the shoulder area can cause continuing hand trembling, and all that might need is a surgery.
I started training kickboxing last week and mi hands started shaking after an hour season. I was wondering why, but I think I’m not used to punch just yet, I need more training so my body gets used to it. Very informative article, don’t worry if you are starting to train a combat discipline! Thanks.
I had just finished training kickboxing for two hours and noticed my hands shaking and they were kind of weak. I was worried then but it persisted till morning and the shaking had decreased but still there and the weakness in the hands still there. I was wondering if it was the fact that I hadn’t eaten as much as I should have prior to the training but after reading this article😂 I definitely was not punching right and I am a beginner after all.
It is very helpful. Thank you. I was definitely focusing on destroying the bag rather than at my footing overall body dynamics. Don’t hesitate to highlight even more newbish causes…such as not using wraps at all inside light gloves available commercially more and more just for bags. Yeah you feel like a hero when you see the heavy sack bouncing up like a Teddy bear but few hours later you pay the price.
I did a 50 min boxing class but afterward I feel jittery and my whole body seems to be shaky is this normal?
It is normal. Boxing is a great sport, but it takes some time for the body to get used to the stress of punching and dispersing a lot of force through your hands. However the “shaky” feeling must go away rather fast. If it persists for days you should consult with a doctor.
Don’t warry, just keep training, once the body gets used to punching any type of shaking and tremors will go away faster and faster every each training