Should My Double End Bag Be Tight Or Loose?
Double end bags are definitely one of the best tools for sharpening up your boxing skills. It improves eye-hand coordination, helps to get more accurate with your punches and slip them better.
Double end bags are definitely one of the best tools for sharpening up your boxing skills. It improves eye-hand coordination, helps to get more accurate with your punches and slip them better.
Hanging a heavy bag from a stand is a great alternative to doing so from the ceiling or a beam.Sadly most of the time stands also have to be loaded with additional weight to prevent them from shifting around when punching.
Mouthguards are important to use in many sports, but when it comes down to boxing, it’s essential. It cushions our teeth during impact, protects against jaw and neck injuries, not to mention the tongue. It is clear that there are two types of mouthguards on the market, double and single, but the question is, which’s…
Heavy bags are used for training purposes not just in gyms only – offices, basements and even apartments are often times a place to hang this training bag. The problem is that hitting such a thing can cause quite a bit of noise, and become bothersome for your neighbors, or even your family, but thankfully…